Might also be advisable to set a size of force. I mean it might be a good idea for people to aim for about 500 points painted up to table standard by say... first week back after the christmas holidays.
If there are more points painted then thats fine.
So my suggestion is this::
By the first club night after christmas I would like us to be able to take photos of:
1 HQ choice but not a named character
At least 2 troop choices
Then additional stuff such as troop transports, fast attack/heavy support/elites choices.
This should mean that we can take 1 group shot, then 2 troop choice shots and an hq shot for each army at least. This will mean that we can get 5-10 photos of each persons 500 points worth, then maybe by easter we can aim for 1000 points so we can all see progress and show off what we are playing with.
Just my 2 pence worth, what do the rest of you think?